Sunday, May 2, 2010

Why I watch TV

I enjoy watching TV more than watching movies. There is no TV show or movie that I'd rather watch than spend time with friends. Can you guess why I watch so much TV? It is hard to admit but it is because I'm bored and lonely. With school being done until September and not having a job (yet) just magnifies the loneliness. For a brief time, TV lets me forget these things.

I have friends that I rarely see. My friends tend to socialize with other couples or families with children or friends from work. I don't have much socializing time during the school year but I certainly have more time than I'm using. Everyone seems to think that I'm spending my time with another group of friends.

I have been accused of complaining too much on this blog but I don't really care. I'm going to write how I feel and I'm just trying to be truthful about what I'm going through.


  1. Anonymous1:47 AM

    I think it's okay to vent once in a while. Don't let anyone keep you from writing what you'd like to.

    Dude, if I were in Regina, we'd be hanging out. Of course, if we were hanging out, there'd be a chance we'd be watching tv....

    But at least we'd be really funny together while we did. Good times.

    Love you, Miss Janny. And I miss you.

  2. I feel the same way- TV is a great way to distract myself from the fact that I am all alone. If we lived in the same city, I'd invite you over to watch TV. :)
    And your space is your space. You can write whatever you want on your space!

  3. hai, i am from indonesia . little island in southeast asia ..
    i am sory my english not good : P hihi

    Do not throw away your time just sitting see the television, only to see other people doing things that he likes.

    do your hobby, go out to look around. It is very fun.

    I like sport climbing, two days I practiced. sometimes I also follow the competition. It wasted too much time. from morning till evening. but I'm very happy with my routine, I have many friends. Although sometimes my hands are often injured, but did not know why it does not make me quit, because I love climb.
    even I could make money from hobbyku

    so my advice, do not waste your time just to see the TV, everyone has a hobby, make your life more fun, enjoy every second of your life.

    and do not forget to be grateful for all that you have. because not everyone is as fortunate as you.

