Monday, August 27, 2007

"To Sleep, Perchance to Dream"*

I am once again not able to sleep. It is 7:33am and I have chosen to stay awake until at least 5pm. I'm pretty sure the reason I can't sleep is largely due to I expect to hear about a possible job and possible interview today. I don't want to be woken up by the call(s) or miss it. Most teachers start work today and I don't have a job yet. The school year starts in 8 days, no pressure at all.

*Yes I realize this is my second Hamlet reference in less than a week. Strange since I don't really like Hamlet too much. I also considered "To Sleep or Not to Sleep" but decided to be too cliched.

Update (8:29am): I can call them back. I need to sleep.
Update (11:30pm): They never called which makes me a little sad. One of my reason for panic was finding out one of my references would not be able to be reach at the number I gave. She decided to go on maternity leave 2 months early. I did make some calls and it sounds like the jobs are filled yet.

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