Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I may never be able to enter my apartment again. I think I'll start sleeping in my car.

Last night, I was reading a book and waiting for another excellent episode Project Catwalk when out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw something move. I went to check it out, hoping I was wrong since it looked bigger than a spider. I peeked behind my armchair and there was a mouse! I shrieked and the pesky rodent ran under the door to the laundry room. (I'm glad it didn't run around my apartment.) I shrieked. I never felt less like a strong independent woman when my first thoughts were cursing the fact I had no man to kill it.

After consultation with my brother-in-law, I put tape along the threshold to the laundry room and doused it with paprika. I then shoved rags and old towels under the door so it would not be able to enter. My apartment smelled extra spicy this morning.

I had a blanket in the wash but there was no way I was going to retrieve it. I think I am going to wait until my landlord comes home from vacation in 2 weeks. He can get it for me.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:29 AM

    You should buy one of those 'humane' traps where they can get inside but can't get back out..then you can take the box outside and let it go. Cuz c'mon..no laundry in 2 weeks = stinky Janny
