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Maryanne and
Bron started:
1) Who is the last person you high-fived? Mike L, he and his girlfriend were in town visiting his sister. They met us for lunch after church today.
2) If you were drafted into a war, would you survive? Probably not. I'd like to say that I'd rather die than kill another human being but I really don't know unless I was in the situation.
3) Do you sleep with the TV on? I used to when I lived by myself. On weekends I would watch TV until I was tired then slept on my futon.
4) Have you ever drunk milk straight out of the carton? Yes but only to finish it off. Or if it was those individual cartons.
5) Have you ever won a spelling bee? No, in grade 5 I spelled independent i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-a-n-t. I knew all the other words the other people had.
6) Have you ever been stung by a bee? Yes, I was in kindergarten and my cubic was having a picnic at
Candy Cane Park in Regina. I was spinning around on the log roll and bee stung me on the palm of my hand. I didn't even know it was there until it stung me. Auntie Vicki knew what to do and made it better.
7) How fast can you type? Not as fast as I wish I could. I have surprisingly bad habits for a former keyboarding teacher. I only took a trimester of typing in school.
8) Are you afraid of the dark? No. I had a bedroom in the basement of my parents house on and off from about age 10. I would have moved down there sooner but we had boarders until I was about that age.
9) What color are your eyes? brown
10) Have you ever made out at a drive-in? I've never been to a drive-in.
11) When is the last time you chose a bath over a shower? I never choose a bath over a shower because I never bathe in the bathtub. I'll soak in the bathtub but shower after.
12) Do you knock on wood? nope
13) Do you floss daily? most days
14) Poor, poor missing question #14.
15) Can you hula hoop? yeah but not as good as I used to be able to. I'm out of practice.
16) Are you good at keeping secrets? For the most part. You would not believe some of the stuff people have confided in me but of course you'll never know because I'll never tell.
17) What do you want for Christmas? 3rd season of
Corner Gas18) Do you know the Muffin Man? I wouldn't bother. I heard it was
a terrible movie.
19) Do you talk in your sleep? On occasion I have. One time I was visiting
Ky20) Who wrote the book of love?
The Apostle Paul21) Have you ever flown a kite? Forever ago.
22) Do you wish on your fallen lashes? Nope
23) Do you consider yourself successfully? nope, it is hard to be successful when you are lacking direction or goals.
24) How many people are on your contact list of your cell? about 25
25) Have you ever asked for a pony? That is silly. I lived in the city, where would we put it?
26) Plans for tomorrow? Work on a web page for work
27) Can you juggle? no
28) Missing someone now? Mostly my sister and brother. The other people I take comfort in knowing I will see them next weekend.
29) When was the last time you told someone I Love You? Yesterday to my mom and dad
30) And truly meant it? Of course. I know words have a power effect. I would never tell someone I loved them and didn't mean it.
31) How often do you drink? alcohol, never. water too many times to count in a day.
32) How are you feeling today? strange mix of buzzy, sleepy and annoyance.
33) What do you say too much? "like" but I'm sure there are other things too.
34) Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school? No. I started fight in grade 8 but I was a good student who had enough of a bully. I thought I was going to get suspended.
35) What are you looking forward to? Seeing friends and family next weekend.
36) Have you ever crawled through a window? I'm sure I have crawled out of a house window but don't remember when or why. Definitely through a car window. One night me and some friends decided we were going to be like
"The Dukes of Hazzard". Sliding over the hood of the car didn't work out so great.
37) Have you ever eaten dog food? no
38) Can you handle the truth? I'd much rather live with the pain of the truth than be blissfully unaware.
39) Do you like green eggs and ham? I try to stay away from suspect food.
40) Any cool scars? On my left hand from making spears at church camp. A boy was telling a funny story and I wasn't paying attention to my knife. It hit a knot, slipped and cut my hand. I don't think I have even bleed so much in my life.
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