Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Six years...

Today is my sixth blogoversary. Let's review the last six years in Janny history:

September 15, 2004

RTA, Failte and I moved into a townhouse in Saskatoon. I had just left my full time teaching position up north to become a substitute teacher in Saskatoon. Would you believe that I didn't know anyone else with a blog at the time?

September 2005
I was still subbing in Saskatoon but all tutoring and working part time at a book store. When I wasn't working I mostly spent my time being a source of procrastination for others and impatiently waiting the movie Serenity. Although it was depressing not to be working as a full time teacher, I did enjoy the time I had to reflect.

September 14, 2006

Fall 2006 was an exciting time for me. Not finding much work in Saskatoon, I move to Calgary to became an admin assistant while I looked for a full time teaching position. For the first time in two years, I was back doing what I love and getting paid for it.

September 2007
The school I was teaching at in Calgary turned out to be a flaming disaster. With little regret, I decided to move from Calgary back to Regina. My dad was in ICU during the winter and spring which made my horrible job situation that much more horrible. I always want to go back to school to finish my BSc and wanted to feel more qualified to teach science classes. So in January 2008 Teacher Lady became Student Lady.

September 2008
In the summer of 2008 I worked for an applied mathematician which really made me question my future plans. I decided against an Honours degree in Math and opted instead for a double major in Math & Physics. I invested in a DVR and immersed myself in academia. Mt life became Eat, Sleep, Physics. School work became my life and left room in my mind for little else.

I also learned about Spidergoat.

September 14, 2009
Eat, Sleep, Physics became a little less lonely and a lot more difficult. I love the collaborative nature of Physics students. You spend so much time in the lab together it translates into a community where everyone helps one another outside the lab as well. Fall 2009 marked the continuation of Janny spending way too much time with boys in their early 20s.

September 14, 2010
I have two semesters left of university! In addition to a couple science classes this marks the first time in 10 years that I will be taking any education classes. I will also be working part time as a physics lab instructor (getting paid while getting experience). I've already spoken to the local school board and it seems very likely that there will be a full time physics teaching position for me next fall!

This is a very exciting time for me right now. My classes and instructors are great. I will be learning so many interesting and useful things. I certainly hope this enthusiasm for my present and future life can continue.

I admit that I timed this post to also be the 1300th. Thanks for reading and hope you stay with me.


  1. I hadn't heard about the possibility of the full time physics job in the fall!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!
    Seriously. Things are comin' up Janny.

  2. Nothing is for certain yet. There is a serious lack of qualified physics teachers so it definitely my best bet. I know for certain that I will be a very busy substitute teacher if there is no full time position in the fall.
