Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mouse Toilet (or things I say when I'm tired)

Alana, James and I ordered appetizers to share at a restaurant. After the waitress brought our plates, I explained that they always give their customers "mouse toilets". (Certainly something you would not want to clean your hands with). As Alana pointed out, I "traded diphthongs":
mouse toilet: ˈmaus ˈtoi-lət
moist towelette: ˈmoist tau-(ə-)ˈlet
(My apologies that the pronunciations are not written out correctly, I can't figure out how to do all the characters in html).

The last time we hung out, I had to backtrack on a story with
"Oh wait, not Morgan Freeman... I meant the Hulk." Understandable mistake since they are often confused.


  1. Maybe you should investigate "html escape characters". Google it or start with

    Not all lists include the exact same items, I've found in the past.

  2. Thanks! I'll see if I can find the ones I need.
