Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sometimes I remember the strangest things

I had a headache today, again. I slept a good portion of the afternoon and the acetaminophen with caffeine has me wide awake. With the Olympics on, there hasn't been much of new TV so nothing saved on the DVR to bide my time until I'm tired.* I received all the seasons of Gilmore Girls on DVD from my family last year for Christmas. I stopped watching episodes over the summer since I couldn't bare to watch anymore of season 6.** Last week I decided I could continue watching if I skipped parts of season 6 & 7.***

OK, I didn't want to talk about my headache, my sleeplessness or Gilmore Girls. Yes, Gilmore Girls makes me weepy sometimes but tonight it wasn't really the show that was making me weepy, it was Christiane Amanpour. You're probably thinking "What does CNN's chief international correspondent have anything to do with any of this?" She was made a cameo in the series finale of Gilmore Girls. Soon as I saw her I remembered a fellow teacher told me how she always wished she had become a journalist like Amanpour. This the first of many conversations about our path in life we take. All these feelings and insecurities came flooding back to me and it was a little much.

Sorry for the rambling.

* Please forgive, I just finished watching multiple episodes of Gilmore Girls. My brain is in fast talking mode.
** Not that it was bad, just hard to watch emotionally because you know what is going to happen.
*** Sorry, my brain is a little like this:
LORELAI: Because my brain is a wild jungle full of scary gibberish. "I'm writing a letter. I can't write a letter. "Why can't I write a letter? I'm wearing a green dress. "I wish I was wearing my blue dress. "My blue dress is at the cleaners. "'The Germans wore gray. You wore blue. ''Casablanca'. "'Casablanca' is such a good movie. "'Casablanca.' The white house. Bush. "Why don't I drive a hybrid car? I should drive a hybrid car. "I should really take my bicycle to work. "Bicycle. Unicycle. Unitard. Hockey puck. Rattlesnake. Monkey, monkey, underpants."

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