Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ok, Maybe I Should Have Stayed in Bed

This morning I woke up with my right eye completely blood shot. I got something in my eye last night at Canada Day fireworks last night so maybe it is scratched.

My work email has not worked for over two days but at least now I can received most mail. It is a system wide problem so all the IT dept could do was take my complaint and tell me they'd get back to me.

Suddenly today I can't access an online journal for work that I could last week. The database manager is on vacation so all the librarian could do was take my complaint and tell me they'd get back to me.

As I left the library, the door got stuck on a rock underneath. I pushed the door harder then it jerked back and hit me square on the forehead. I have a HUGE red welt, it hurts and I feel barfy.

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