Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Baby Jellyfish

Baby Jellyfish, Cattle Point, Victoria, BC

I was taking a picture of the shell and realized after the fact I took a picture of a jellyfish. I knew something was moving around in the water but couldn't see it. Neat.


  1. Excellent photography! It looks even better when I click on it and it fills the whole screen.

  2. Cool! We don't have such beasts out here in prarieland, that's for sure.

  3. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Um, SICK!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes, Jellyfish scare the bejeeberies out of me. But for reals, that is a super cool picture.

  4. But Ky! It's the tiniest wee jellyfish ever! Seriously, it was too small for Janny to see without the macro setting on her camera!

  5. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Dead jellyfish look like giant contact lenses. I've had numerous dream since seeing one that I'm trying to put in this massive contact lens in my eye!

    Very cool pic :)

  6. Anonymous9:05 PM

    i saw a bunch ov baby jellyfish at bodega bay today! their were thousands of them everywhere
