Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I heart i*

Know that I am an honours math student, my prof turned to me and asked if I had taken any complex number analysis classes. I wasn't sure if he was looking at me since the class was in a lecture theatre and there was about 10 other people he could have been looking at. Maybe he misunderstood the sudden joy** of hearing there was such a class at the university as that I already had taken it.

I'm not sure why he singles me out in a class of over a hundred students. This is the third time he has done it. The first time he ask me specifically if I understood the theorem he just explained. The second time I dropped my eraser he he leaped off the stage to retrieve it. It maybe because the first time I met him I asked how his name was pronounced which he appreciated. Or maybe my dad told him I do a wicked awesome impression of him. Who knows.

* i = sqrt(-1)
**Yes Kate, I know that I am a nerd.


  1. I knew what you were thinking. I'm well aware of my nerdiness. I've embraced who I am and I'm running with it.
