I'm a little annoyed right now. Earlier this week I had 4 students show up 5 minutes before class was over. They are upset that they were marked absent and not let into class. You're kidding me, right? They were so upset they went and complained to the school director. Among there other complaints: sometimes I make mistakes when working out math, chemistry or physics problems.
****Newsflash: Janny is not perfect and sometimes makes mistakes.******
These kids are ridiculous. The director called me into his office to tell me I need to let the students know that teachers make mistakes too. I seriously have to tell them that? That is something they don't know?
On a less annoying but more curious note, one of my co-workers has been acting strange all morning. Whenever he sees me, he stops, looks right at me and says nothing. If I ask him what he is doing, he says nothing. It is a little unsettling.
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