Monday, August 14, 2006

Turbulence + Janny = A Pukey Good Time

Ok, I didn't puke on my plane ride back but I nearly did..

First off, security at the airport changed a lot in the few short days between my flights. At least I knew there were going to be through searches so I made sure to take as little as possible for carry-on baggage. I did meet a cute guy on his way to Montreal while we were waiting for our computers to be checked.

The flight started out ok. As we approached Calgary, we hit some wicked turbulence and I prayed to God that I would not puke in front of strangers. I had my barf bag ready just in case but by God's grace, I did not. I have a hard enough time dealing with airplane travel when flying is good. I have to keep my eyes closed and breathe deeply during the planes ascent and descent. It makes no sense at all; I used to be the kind of person who could go on the scariest fair rides and barely be effected*. Now I nearly get sick on swings.

As mentioned before, I have thrown up on an airplane before, thus the fear. This was a slightly different circumstance since the main cause was flying to a job interview the day after having a wisdom tooth removed. A combination of the anesthetic still not entirely out of my system and taking pain killers on an empty stomach was too much for me. The second worse thing: my interview was in a couple hours and I threw up in my hair. The flight attendants would not let me get off the plane by myself so they sent for a wheelchair. So everyone paraded passed the girl who puked on the plane wishing me well. The worse thing: the wheelchair was pushed by possibly the most attractive man I have ever met in my life. Of course I had to meet an attractive man with puke in hair, any other way would just be un-Janny like.

*The exception would be the time the carny kept Kristin and I on the Octopus ride waaaaaaaaaaay too long.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    oooooo, the Octopus ride....I can't think about it...
