I can't believe I have not had time to write about this until now, this happened nearly 3 weeks ago. Anyway, late news is better than no news.
I worked 13 hours on Saturday and was ready for a much needed break. Sunday was my friend's birthday and the plan was to go out to his dad's cabin for the day.
We all met at my friends house so we could car pool out to the cabin since it was about an hour away. When we were deciding who was going with who, I was told that I was going in the vehicle that had to pick up someone on our way out of town. A couple problems with that situation:
1) The driver was not told that he had to pick anyone up and I mentioned after we left.
2) No one knew how where this guy lived that we had to pick up.
3) When we phone the birthday boy for directions, they were wrong
4) When we called the guy we were picking up for directions once we realized we were lost, he gave us the wrong house number.
All of this resulted in us leaving the city over an hour later than we were supposed.
After for traveling for about an hour, we realized that we had missed a turn off. The only person who knew the way was reading and not paying attention.
We had a lot of fun traveling. Lots of "car dancing", Oiler flag waving and funny conversations. The driver even invented a new dance which I believe he calls "Feeding the Baby".
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