On April 19, I predicted that the Edmonton Oilers would be the Canadian hockey team that would do the best in the Stanley Cup playoffs. So for all of you nay-sayers (***cough, cough, Derek***), I was right.
Unheralded Oilers Reach Cup Finals
A quick explanation to my reasoning (for sport and non-sport fans alike):
1) The Oilers do not depend on one or a couple high profile players. Their success comes from playing well as a team.
2) If Detroit (in top place in the league) couldn't stop them, no one could.
3) They had to work crazy hard to just make it to the playoffs. This work ethic carried into the playoffs.
I am a proud Montreal Canadiens fan so my analysis was not clouded by loyalty of any kind. I do admit I have been cheering for the Oilers so my prediction would be right. The coolest thing about this whole thing is that I found out that people I know have been talking about my prediction. These were people that I mentioned to in passing over a month ago. I really didn't think they were listening to me.
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I think I'll root for Edmonton. I usually watch hockey and decide who to cheer for on a per-game basis. I'll go with Edmonton because I have a lot of Canadian blog buddies. Unless everyone is a Hurricanes fan or something.