Tuesday, February 7, 2006

"long haired freaky people need not apply"

My allergy testing is done, however I still cannot take an antihistamine. This is the first time I have ever just had one day of testing. I didn't know I have to call them tomorrow with my reactions after 24 hours. Since I have only ever done 2 days of testing before, they always did it for me on the second day.

I have some good news regarding my move: I will not have to get a new allergist. Because my current allergist offers treatments that are not available in Alberta, I can keep the same doctor. The problem is that my doctor offers the newest testing and treatments and it is rare to find a doctor in western Canada that will. One of the nurses told me this morning that the government gives $62 to the doctor for everyone that they test. In the US, the doctor makes $1100 US for such treatments. So any doctor that is trained for these kind of treatments go the US. I can just arrange for appointments for times I know I will be Regina.

There was a guy who looked like Gary Oldman at the mall this morning.

I wanted to take a picture of a sign and post it on my blog. I saw it yesterday and I am very disappointed that the sign is gone now. The sign said "Hippies: Use the Back".

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