Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Some Big News

There has been a specific reason why I have not posted an entry for a couple days. I got a full time job and I'm moving to Calgary. There were certain people in my life that I wanted to tell first before I posted it on my blog.

So let's start the story from the beginning:

In mid-November, a business man, who I know from church camp, approached me with the idea of coming to work for him. This wasn't a job offer at this time but a option to explore further. I sent him my non-teaching resume.

In about mid-December, we tried to set up a time for me to come to Calgary for a formal interview and weekend-long trial run working for him. Due to a death in the family, the weekend plan was canceled.

A week and a half ago, he paid for my plane ticket and I flew to Calgary. I stayed for about 4 days. We had out interview and I worked for him for a couple days. At the time, I was very unsure what I wanted to do. There was no option that seemed to be the best. He had not decided either since he still had two more interviews for the position.

After I arrived home, I spoke with my parents and my sister about the situation. They didn't tell me what to do but it helped me decide that I wanted to go to Calgary. I contacted him and told him of my interest in the position. Sunday night, he contacted me and told me I got the job. I have been making plans ever since.

Some details about the job and my new life:
* It mostly involves research and organizing
* There is the flexibility for me to take some university classes. His office is walking distance from the University of Calgary. I would work towards my Bachelor of Science in Mathematics.
* This would just be a pause from teaching. He is only making me commit to 6 months of employment. It gives me the option of going back to teaching in the fall. The plan is to receive my second degree then go back to teaching.
*His main business is electrical engineering but he is personally involved on many community committees. one big project he wants me to work on is for a charter high school. It would involve finding resources and developing a curriculum.

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