Monday, October 31, 2005

Rantings of an Occasional Insomniac

I found out this weekend that I am allergic to the adhesive in band-aids. I have to get a special kind of band-aid now but the problem is they don't stick so great.

I was watching Discovery Health last night and learned some interesting facts about PMS. First, a hug from the man you love will help your PMS symptoms more than any pain killers (including morphine). Allergies are worse during PMS.

I also was watching the National Spelling Bee finals from 1998 on Book TV. It was the last couple rounds and there were only about a dozen kids left so the words were pretty hard. There was only one word I knew how to spell or had even heard before (which was paraclete). I also learned that the letter "h" is spelled aitch. I am so using that in Scrabble.

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