Friday, July 22, 2005

Overcome by laziness

I have been sick since I got home from Regina. My sister was sick for her wedding last week and I caught a cold from her. The couple days I have had a sinus headache and it does not help my mom sent my nyquil and dayquil with my sister. Booooooooooo. I bought my sister Advil cold and sinus not nyquil.

I know I have not posted in awhile but I really have not felt like it. Not that my life is depressing or something, I just couldn't think about what to talk about.

Currently I am procrastinating from getting my allergy shots. I at least had an excuse the last couple days being sick (often doctors will not give you the shots if you are sick). Now I am better and don't have an excuse. I'm tired and do not feel up to waiting for over an hour. Today I made progress to make it out the door. I even got into street clothes. Maybe tomorrow I'll go.

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