Saturday, March 12, 2005

"It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me"

I have German songs stuck in my head. I had my concert tonight with the symphony. We also had a dress rehearsal this afternoon which equates to a lot of singing this past week.

After the concert, my friend Ky and I went to our church for a games night that was already in progress. The only played one game called Quiddler (a word scramble-type game). My roommate had a bit of tantrum at the beginning of the game when she found out she couldn't make a certain play. She freaked out on the owner of the game. She was being rather rude. I told her that she didn't need to get so upset and it was just a game. She looked away and made a motion with her hands like I was "yapping" too much and she was not listening. I very sternly told her never to do that to me again. She is older than me but she certainly was not acting like it. Later at least she admitted she threw a tantrum but apologized to no one. The ride home was very quiet. Normally she is rather talkative. The only time she is ever quiet is when she knows she is wrong or has done something she knows she shouldn't have.

My parents came up for my concert. Between the dress rehearsal and the concert, I met my parents for supper. After the concert they came to the games night as well.

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