I was berated yesterday for not being done the dishes. I was done them though. I was soaking tin cans so the labels would come off so the water was still in the sink. It just appeared like I wasn't done them. Way to jump to conclusions before knowing the facts. I know I said I was going to do them before I went to bed the night before but I had a headache. They were done before everyone else got home. My one roommate told me that she hates it when someone says they are going to do something then they don't. I said I was going to do it and I did. So what's the big deal?
So what is worse: someone who procrastinates from housework (but eventually does do it) or someone who does not contribute to the housework at all? I know I don't always clean up immediately but I eventually do it. It isn't like I'm letting things go for days or weeks at a time.
On the other hand my other roommate does absolutely squat for housework. She keeps her room tidy and does her own laundry but that is it. Of course she doesn't get berated for anything.
I'm tired of worrying that I'm going to get in trouble for something. I know this is a new living arrangement and we are still getting used to it. I need to feel like I'm not the only making compromises and trying to be flexible. I'm also tired of stupid fights but I don't know what to do about it.
Hey Mike, while the cat is away the mice will play. I can make no guarantees about Yorkton.
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