Sunday, August 31, 2008

That Thing Still On?

I say a commercial promoting the new season of ER. I realized that there are kids starting high school this year that ER has been on their entire life. That is mind-boggling.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Some People Should Not be Allowed to Own Computers

I was asked to update a website for a local private school. I've been emailing back and forth with the principal about the needed changes. This afternoon I posted what I have done so far and her reply was when she looked there was no changes. I wrote back instructions about how some web browsers save a copy of web pages and so when you visit it again it just loads the old version it has saved. I gave her instructions on how to clear the cache so she could view the changes I made. Her reply: the content had not been updated. ARgh. Grumble, grumble.

Don't Send a Fish to Do a Puppy's Job

Meet Spot, he fetches files for me much better than a blowfish. Metaphorically it makes sense.

A local private school asked me to update their website for them before the school year started. They gave me most of the necessary information but I could not connect to the FTP server to save my life. I don't why I'd need to connect to an FTP server to save my life but I couldn't do it, I'd be dead like dinner.

I called the help desk of the web host and they gave me some useful information but not much of a help. I could connect through Firefox but not Dreamweaver or Fugu (the aforementioned blowfish). Of course no one at the help desk knew anything about the programs I was using or about Macs. Oy with the poodles already. While I waited for a supervisor to call me back I decided to try to download a different ftp program to see if I could get it to work. I read a review about Fetch and low and behold it worked. A puppy saved Janny's weekend

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I think I forgot how to sleep.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Latin Skills in My Sleep

Two nights ago I couldn't sleep. In my restless, half-coherent thoughts it bothered me that I couldn't remember what antediluvian meant. I figured out it had to do with something before a deluge so my restless brain was satisfied.
A couple of strange facts:
- I wasn't even aware I knew the word antediluvian
- I know "ante" refers to a time period before when I'm awake but how did I know that when I was half asleep.
- I rarely use the word deluge so how would I know the Latin form.

In conclusion, my brain is weird.

Monday, August 4, 2008

My summer thus far

I know I haven't been blogging much lately but click on the pictures to see what I've been up to!

Proof Ang and Errol will have 10 babies

"True Love" Forever

Aspiring to be like Ky

Thumbs up for good cake

Yes, those are flames